Kids at Arlington

Advent Kids

Each Sunday, during worship at the Arlington campus, we invite our children to join us in the Preschool building for kid-focused lessons and worship. We want you and your children to feel welcome with us on. Sunday morning. All of our volunteers have been background-checked and we provide a safe and secure
check-in and check-out system.

Nursery (birth- 5yrs) – 9 AM | 10:30 AM
Elementary (K-5th) – 9 AM | 10:30 AM

Still have questions about Advent’s Kids Ministry?
Contact Leslee Graves

Current Elementary Series

Let’s Focus 

February 2 – February 2

Don’t worry — it’s not time for a new pair of glasses just yet! We made these pictures fuzzy for a reason! During “Let’s Focus,” kids will see a series of blurry pictures. As the pictures gradually become clear, they’ll race to say what it is. Each picture helps make the truth of God’s Word easy to see and brings into focus the forever love of Jesus.

Kids Min Volunteer

There are a lot of ways you can help out in Advent Kids! From filling one-time needs to helping on a regular basis. Click the button below to talk to us

Coming Up For Kids!