
Senior Adventurers

ADVENTurers is a great way to make friends in a Christian environment. Come join us . We meet once a month and always include a meal. Transportation is provided on the church vans when we go away from the church.

“Everyone begins to age at the moment of birth.” (from No Wrinkles on the Soul by Richard L. Morgan) Young people want to be older and older people want to be younger. Seniors who are growing “older” but do not want to get “old” meet together for fellowship, Bible study and spiritual enrichment.

As scripture says, “Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed everyday.” II Corinthians 4:16 RSV.  Scripture also states in another great text “Even in old age we still produce fruit and are vital. Psalms 92:14 The Living Bible.

Get Involved

There are many ways you can get involved with the Senior ADVENTurers ministry. You can help with our regular meetings and meals as an organizer, server, setup, cleanup, or even serve with special events.

Click the button to message us about how you can get more involved or CLICK HERE to learn about more opportunities.